Development of Business Intelligence, NoSQL and Big Data applications

This is a third year undergraduate course on development of Business Intelligence, NoSQL and Big Data applications.

You find the material here

I gave this lecture at the university of applied science and cooperative education in Mannheim (DHBW Mannheim). The course included a big exercise part where students had to develop applications using various technologies (see below). These technologies have been accessed using Java and command line interfaces of the corresponding tools. All technologies have been installed in virtual machines to provide a smooth exercise experience.

It comprises the following areas and technologies:

  • Traditional Business Intelligence
    • ETL (Pentaho Kettle/Spoon)
    • Multidimensional Modeling (Pentaho Mondrian)
    • Reporting (Pentaho Reporting)
  • NoSQL
    • Key/Value Store (Redis)
    • Column Database (Apache Cassandra)
    • Graph Database (Neo4J)
    • Document Database (MongoDB)
    • Search (Apache SolrCloud)
  • Standardized Big Data Processing Platforms
    • Lambda Architecture
    • Hadoop
    • SparkStreaming