Find here a non-exhaustive list of research projects conducted in the area crisis management information systems. This list is by far not complete, but I hope it can be still useful.
- Graduiertenkolleg (PhD School) Selforganizing de-centralized Information Systems for Disaster Management (includes also process management) – Recent progress in basic research has lead to visions how to use new self-organizing networks for advanced information systems. These networks function without central administration all nodes are able to adapt themselves to new environments autonomously and independently. The addition of new nodes or failure of individual nodes does not significantly impact the network⬓s ability to function properly. Information systems and underlying technologies for self-organizing networks, in the context of a specific application domain, are the central topic of research for this graduate school.The research focuses on the important technologies needed at each individual node of a self-organizing network. Research challenges within this graduate school include: finding a path through a network with the help of new routing protocols and forwarding techniques, replication of decentralized data, automated deployment and update of software components at runtime as well as work-load balancing among terminal devices with limited resources. Furthermore, non-functional aspects such as reliability, latency and robustness will be studied
- An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency/Disaster Scenarios (includes also process management) – The WORKPAD project aims at designing and developing an innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services, etc.) for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency/disaster scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate with one other to reach a common goal; each team member is equipped with handheld devices (PDAs) and communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. In such a case we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process, and the different teams (of the different organizations) collaborate through the exchange of integrated data and content provided by some back-end centres, thus supporting inter-organizational coordination (macro-processes). The project will investigate a 2-level framework for such scenarios: a back-end peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services, data & knowledge & content integration, and a set of front-end peer-to-peer communities, that provide services to human workers, mainly by adaptively enacting processes on mobile ad-hoc networks.
- ERMA project The ERMA project (ERMA is an acronym for Electronic Risk Management Architecture) aims to build a reference platform for risk management in the domains of natural as well as man-made disasters with a specific focus on needs of small and medium-sized communities. In this context communities might be public bodies as well as private sector organisations which share obligations and duties for risk prevention and response.
- Mobile Support for Rescue Forces, Integrating Multiple Modes of Interaction – The SHARE project is intended to offer an information and communication system to support emergency teams during large-scale rescue operations and disaster management. At present, emergency forces use half-duplex channel walkie-talkie technology and are restricted to simple push-to-talk voice communication. All the status information, reporting and documentation for decision making are processed manually. After the introduction of the new service, rescue operations will benefit enormously from sophisticated multimodal interaction and on-line, onsite access to data services providing up-to-date operation status information, as well as details concerning aspects of the emergency, such as location and environment.
- ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA is designing and implementing the specifications for a service oriented spatial data infrastructure for improved interoperability among risk management authorities in Europe, which will enable the handling of more effective disaster risk reduction strategies and emergency management operations. The ORCHESTRA Architecture is open and based on standards. Its specifications are contained in a document called the Reference ModelORCHESTRA Architecture (RM-OA) which is open and free of charge, and can be downloaded from
- Graduiertenkolleg (PhD School) Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments – navigation and coordination of multiple autonomous vehicles to perform a common task possibly together with a human mission manager; and monitoring in mixed mode environments that are characterized by the heterogeneity of their components in terms of resources, capabilities and connectivity.
- Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a Mobile World Taking this into account, Akogrimo � by leveraging the large base of mobile users � is aiming to radically advance the pervasiveness of Grid computing across Europe. To achieve this goal, in addition to embracing layers and technologies which are supposed to make up the so-called Next Generation Grids (e.g. knowledge-related and semantics-driven Web services), Akogrimo will architect and prototype a blueprint of an NGG which exploits and closely co-operates with evolving mobile Internet infrastructures based on IPv6.
- Advanced multi-modal intelligence for remote assistance AMIRA is a pan-European research and technology development project with the aim of providing rapid, relevant and reliable time-critical information to support urgent and critical diagnostics and decisions that must be taken by ‚mobile workers‘ at the point where they are undertaking their work. It could be at an emergency incident, by the side of a road, or on an oilrig – the location is irrelevant.
- Integrating Communications for enHanced envirOnmental RISk management and citizens safeTy CHORIST proposes solutions to increase rapidity and effectiveness of interventions following a major natural and/or industrial disaster in order to enhance citizens‘ safety and communications between rescue actors.
- Location Systems For Fire & Rescue Applications The LIAISON project will turn emergent technologies, applications and services into actual business cases in order to allow key European actors to fulfil in a competitive manner the needs of workers in their daily life, for seamless and personalised location services across heterogeneous network.
- TARANIS project This project is about training of crisis managers in complex situation. It includes research about group activity awareness, collaborative interactive timeline visualization, simulation and phone/video logging mechanisms.
- SoKNOS (Service-Oriented ArchiteCtures Supporting Networks of Public Security) project Against the background of the security research program of the German federal government, the SoKNOS research project aims to develop concepts that are valuable in the support of governmental agencies, private companies, and other organizations active in the handling of disastrous events in the public security sector. SoKNOS develops data-based solutions that particularly shorten the structuring phase, i.e., the phase after the occurrence of the disaster. SoKNOS aims to support a cross-organizational collaboration – in real-time and on all levels between local, regional, national, and international organizations.
- Security System for Public Institutions in Disastrous Emergency ScenaRios
- SECURITY RESEARCH PROJECTS under the 7th Framework Programme for Research Making Europe more secure for its citizens while increasing its industrial competitiveness, is the goal of European Security Research. Europe has never been so peacefully consolidated, so prosperous and secure, yet at the same time so vulnerable against threats like terrorism, organised crime and natural disasters. By cooperating and coordinating eff orts on a continent-wide scale, by stimulating the cooperation of providers and users for civil security solutions, the EU can better understand and respond to risks in a constantly changing world.
- BmBF funded projects in Public Security Part 1
- BmBF funded projects in Public Security Part 2
- French ANR projects Public Security, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009